Wednesday, September 27, 2006
I want to:

*start scrapbooking again (my last page was when Ben was 10 days old)
*excercise more.( ok, excercise period :)
*play more games with my son (he loves it)
*go on more dates with my man (it doesn't happen enough)
*skim my closet (I still have the bridesmaids dresses from Rose's, Nicci's, Heidi's and Tammy's wedding. Talk about hanging on!)
*eat healthier (I really like chocolate)
*walk more (the walk to her school doesn't count)
*get a bike, and ride (I love riding, and it's easy excersise)
*clean my fridge (there's something sticky that spilled)
*have "ME" time (doesn't need explanation)
*read a good book (I love to get lost in a book)

Posted by Lee at 9:58 PM | 9 comments
Saturday, September 23, 2006
I tend to shop superstore alot, and in the past have gotten out of the car, and not had a loonie to get a cart. This is so frustrating. Even worse, was once when the baby was new, I got all three out of the car, and then discovered I had no loonie. Now I know that I could walk ALL the way into the store, and ask the customer service lady for a "loner loonie", but then you are obligated to return it when finished. This is all just too much work.

It's almost reason enough for me to shop elsewhere. But I am just too cheap. So I give in the to the 'loonie for a cart' clause.

In my vehicle, I have a designated "superstore loonie" spot. Heaven help the poor soul, who uses that designated loonie for some other purpose. I don't care how desperate you get, KEEP YOUR SLIMY HANDS OFF MY SUPERSTORE LOONIE!!!

It didn't take F long to realize the gravity of his error the time he used my loon for a coffee.

And so yes, I can be a little anal when it comes to this. In fact, I hate to admit it, but if someone is asking me for my loonie, and can only offer me 4 quarters, for my loonie, I have to politely decline. I have to protect my superstore loonie.

Posted by Lee at 12:39 PM | 21 comments
Friday, September 22, 2006
Well, not to puff up my own feathers, but I am so impressed with myself today. O had a playdate planned for today, being a professional day from school today, we thought it would be nice:)

So while the girls played in her room, and B was busy desperately trying to think up good enough excuses so that L would open her door long enough for him to get in... (he even tried convincing O's friend that he was her BEST FRIEND!)

I tackled the beast in my kitchen. I pulled out my fridge AND my stove, and swept, then vacuumed, then steamed the areas behind and underneath. I also pressed the "clean" button on my stove, and was amazed to find out that the feature really truly does clean! Even the black gross baked on *schmuutz* that was there, came off.

The laundry ran smoothly today, the dietary department ran short on time for dinner, and so a pizza was ordered, the nanny department did okay with 2 out of 3 kids bathed...

A good day.

Posted by Lee at 10:25 PM | 6 comments
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Michelle has tagged me, and so here are 8 facts/things/habbits about me. Here we go:

1- I am CONSTANTLY analyzing things. This brain is always thinking about something, and the wheels are always turning.

2- Hi my name is Leah and I'm a blogaholic. (sheepish smile)

3- alot of things/people irritate me.

4- I hate injustice.

5- I love to be inside on a rainy day, in joggers, and drinking coffee with a good magazine

6- I dread meal planning, and wish to be more organized in this area

7- I love to talk

8- I like to get in a good debate

And so in typical blog meme fashion I tag the following bloggers:


Posted by Lee at 5:27 PM | 4 comments
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Kids are in bed, house is peaceful, and we are gonna watch a dvd, all snuggled up on the couch.


Posted by Lee at 8:57 PM | 5 comments
I am so sorry that you are unable to read/leave comments. I wish I was computer techie so I could help you.

DO NOT, quit blogging. I won't allow it. You are my blogging guru, and this whole thing wouldn't be the same without you.

So there you have it, you are a GOOD friend, and one of my bests.

Love you.

Posted by Lee at 9:51 AM | 0 comments
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
thanks for the starbucks today!

my turn next :)

Posted by Lee at 6:19 PM | 4 comments
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Friday was my first day back to work. I was nervous about being back after so long, but everyone was GREAT, and the time flew by. The night before my shift, I realized late at night that I hadn't prepared my uniform. In a sense of panic, I tried on my 3 pairs of pants. Now without going into detail, let me say, I have not lost my 'baby weight' like I normally have by now. Darn third baby. Only 1 out of 3 pairs fit me, and the one pair, was snug. Then I grab my runners, which I haven't wore in a while.

F has the same size feet as me, which has it's perks, and it's frustrations. So I grab my work runners, and they are now green. That's right he mowed the grass a few times wearing MY shoes. Nice.

So I wear another pair that I never should have bought. They feel about a half size to small.

Saturday I did another litte 4 hour shift, and came home, and F left for work right away. He was doing an 8 hour overtime shift. I pack up the kids, wrap a present using green painters tape, (apparently we ran out of scotch tape...) and head off to my nephews birthday party.

And that brings us to today. L had her regular karate class from 11-12, and then she had her grading at 12:30. I packed a lunch for us all, because we were at the dojo for 3.5 hours. She did great, and will hopefully get her red/green belt this week.

Her friends birthday party was at 3pm. I forgot to buy a gift, and forgot to bring her an outfit to wear. The party was at a bowling alley 20 minutes away, we were gonna be late.

I stayed for the party, and B and I bowled. It was his first time, and I couldn't believe the kids accuracy! Bear was fascinated by the black light effects, and the disco ball. Was a good time.

Well that was my weekend in a nutshell. I am tired, and its Monday tomorrow.

Love that.

Actually "I hate Mondays..."

Posted by Lee at 8:09 PM | 9 comments
Thursday, September 14, 2006

Posted by Lee at 11:13 AM | 8 comments
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
I have caught the tail end of an advertisement, a few times, and have been interested in it. It talked about having behavioral issues with your child, and it guaranteed positive results. I was definately interested.

So while my princess was at her piano lesson, I was listening to this radio station, and I caught the whole ad! So I phone in. Here's a play by play of how that call went:

GUY: so tell me what made you decide to call?
ME: um... behavioral issues with my 3 year old. (duh.)
GUY: oh and how do these issues make you feel?
ME: um... frustrated. (duh again)
GUY: yes, that sounds frustrating. (that's right, SYMPATHISE with me)
GUY: and do you think his acting out affects others in the family? (seriously, did you really ask me that?)
ME: yeah, of course.

This is where I cut in, in a rather rude tone,

"uh-huh and how much is this "program" anyway??"

GUY: well, before this certain promo, people paid thousands of dollars for it. (I hate when I am being told what a great deal I am getting by the actual salesman.)
ME: mmm hmm, and so whats the great deal now?
GUY: $299.00
ME: Ok then, thanks for the info and your time, I will converse with my hubby, and call back.
GUY: oh, well is he right there? I could talk to him.
ME: nope. he's not. I will phone him.
GUY: OK, does your phone have 3 - way calling??? (OMG!!)
ME: no it does not ( I lied)
GUY: cuz most phones do have that feature. (can you believe this guys balls??)
GUY: You know what, I know what your husband is gonna say. One of two things. 'how much is it?' and 'does it work?'
so you tell him how much you are saving, and that there is a 30 day money back guarantee. Problem solved. What address would you like this delivered too?

This is where I hang up.

OK, I have been to timeshare spiels, car 'browsing' on car lots, viewing homes with obnoxious Realtors...

BUT I HAVE NEVER been this pressured before! I couldn't believe it.

Thankfully, we are coming to the end of the dark years with my toddler, and his behavior has done almost a 180. So no, I won't be buying this product anyway!

Posted by Lee at 4:18 PM | 8 comments
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Walking home from school today, and talking about her day. She says, "do you think you could forget to pack me a lunch one day?"

I am laughing, and ask her why. She says "my teacher has this basket of snacks and stuff, for when anyone forgets their lunch."

So I say, "you don't just plan to forget your lunch," and she says, "well what about just forgetting my snack one day this week?". I tell her no.

She frowns, and grumbles to me "you're NEVER gonna forget my lunch."

Of all the things to be blamed for hey?

Posted by Lee at 5:15 PM | 4 comments
well not ALL of them :)

I have noticed some people complaining they haven't been able to get on certain blogs, or been able to comment on certain blogs.

If you have set up "no annonymous comments allowed", then I can't leave a comment on your blog. Because of switching to the new beta version. Sarah potter girl and Liz, it wont let me comment on yours. So if you care to either switch over to beta, or change it so that annonymous can comment, then we'd be laughing.!!!

Also, maybe please you could update your links, if you haven't already.

Posted by Lee at 12:24 PM | 1 comments
Sunday, September 10, 2006
I cannot believe it! It was just yesterday when my princess asked why I never buy the little easy-too-peel oranges that come in the green paper. I told her that these are Christmas oranges, and that they only come out at special times, around November! I assured her that when they are available to buy, we won't go without a box, till we can buy them no more. So imagine my suprise when I saw the box in the grocery store!!! Now my prego friend from blue sky can have her fill!!!! Merry Christmas to all!!!

Posted by Lee at 8:08 PM | 6 comments
Saturday, September 09, 2006
When I was 12, I went to a friends sleepover birthday party. I don't remember anything about it, but one thing. The movie we watched. That movie changed my life. I have never forgotten it. The title?


I am such a freak when it comes to spiders. Some things that come to mind are-
one time, as a teenager, I was home alone. I seen a spider creeping across the floor. What did I do? I "called a friend." Yep. He came over and dealt with it.
I can't bring myself to killing them. Don't confuse me with someone who feels bad for stepping on spiders, I just can't muster up the courage to do it.
Every morning, when I open up my front door to walk to school, I grab a shoe and wave it up and down in front of me so I don't walk into a web. When I come home at night, I do the same thing.
If I am working out in the yard, I do the same thing. I grab a stick and wave it all around the areas where spiders would be. I probably look like a freak.
I have not great eyesight, but for some reason, I have this ultra sensitive "spider radar" I will be looking straight ahead, and see one out of the corner of my eye.
Another thing I have so often, are dreams. I have woken up in the middle of jumping out of bed, thinking there's a spider on my pillow. Or like the other night I steamrolled over my DH like an insane woman, because I thought a spider was coming down from the ceiling on a web directly in front of my eyes. Lately, once I am up and out of bed, I realize that I am dreaming, but I used to make him turn on the light and search the bed. It always seems so real to me.
Well, that's my spider story.

Posted by Lee at 10:08 PM | 7 comments
Thursday, September 07, 2006
1- My hubby who loves me so much

2- my 3 beautiful, treasure's from God

3- old friends and new ones, and having good talks with them

4- being home to raise my babies

5-timbits (not dutchies, cruellers or sour cream tho)

6- my home

7- my bed... (which is calling me right now)

8- my parents who help out when I need it

9- Tina (for your comment on my last post, made my day :)

10- the 20 minute drive alone with my man, in a hot sportsy car today.

This top 10 is in no particular order.

Goodnight, sleep tight.

Posted by Lee at 10:52 PM | 2 comments
Sunday, September 03, 2006
My SB came running in from outside today, in total "state of emergency" mode. Tears and bellowing like something was REALLY truly wrong.

I run to him, and pick him up, consoling him. I ask him what happened, and he says "a bee... a bee stung me!" I felt so sad for him, and asked him where he got stung. He points to an area on his forehead, while continuing to cry. There was a tiny little mark there, that looked nothing even close to a sting. I ask him if he seen a bee, he said yes.

I cuddle him some more, and deceide to ask him again, "where did the bee sting you baby?" He continues with his wailing, pausing only to say, "in my eye."

Hmm. For some reason, I start to doubt my own son. "Honey," I said, "I really don't think you got stung in the eye."

He goes on to tell me with all the drama he can muster, that surely that bee stung him in the eye.

I ask him again.

"where did you get stung?"

He looks at his hands, and points to yet ANOTHER spot.

So I call him on it. I say, "but you said it stung you on your head, and now you say in your eye AND on your arm?"

He tells me so naturally, "I changed my mind."

Turns out, he was sent inside for a 'timeout', and thought his options would be better if he feigned a bee sting!

Posted by Lee at 11:25 PM | 4 comments
I am using my food chopper!!

Posted by Lee at 6:55 PM | 0 comments
Siding is going up!!!

Posted by Lee at 2:15 PM | 0 comments