Wednesday, September 13, 2006
I have caught the tail end of an advertisement, a few times, and have been interested in it. It talked about having behavioral issues with your child, and it guaranteed positive results. I was definately interested.

So while my princess was at her piano lesson, I was listening to this radio station, and I caught the whole ad! So I phone in. Here's a play by play of how that call went:

GUY: so tell me what made you decide to call?
ME: um... behavioral issues with my 3 year old. (duh.)
GUY: oh and how do these issues make you feel?
ME: um... frustrated. (duh again)
GUY: yes, that sounds frustrating. (that's right, SYMPATHISE with me)
GUY: and do you think his acting out affects others in the family? (seriously, did you really ask me that?)
ME: yeah, of course.

This is where I cut in, in a rather rude tone,

"uh-huh and how much is this "program" anyway??"

GUY: well, before this certain promo, people paid thousands of dollars for it. (I hate when I am being told what a great deal I am getting by the actual salesman.)
ME: mmm hmm, and so whats the great deal now?
GUY: $299.00
ME: Ok then, thanks for the info and your time, I will converse with my hubby, and call back.
GUY: oh, well is he right there? I could talk to him.
ME: nope. he's not. I will phone him.
GUY: OK, does your phone have 3 - way calling??? (OMG!!)
ME: no it does not ( I lied)
GUY: cuz most phones do have that feature. (can you believe this guys balls??)
GUY: You know what, I know what your husband is gonna say. One of two things. 'how much is it?' and 'does it work?'
so you tell him how much you are saving, and that there is a 30 day money back guarantee. Problem solved. What address would you like this delivered too?

This is where I hang up.

OK, I have been to timeshare spiels, car 'browsing' on car lots, viewing homes with obnoxious Realtors...

BUT I HAVE NEVER been this pressured before! I couldn't believe it.

Thankfully, we are coming to the end of the dark years with my toddler, and his behavior has done almost a 180. So no, I won't be buying this product anyway!

Posted by Lee at 4:18 PM |


At September 13, 2006 6:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
I hate pushy salespeople!!! It turns me right off. I would have hung up too.

Family of five

At September 13, 2006 6:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Ja das freut mich aber das dein junge sich endlich benimmt! Eine schwere zeit liegt hinter uns, ist ja nochmal gut gegangen, Ich dachte schon es passiert was schlimmes... aber wart mal lieber ab bis er 16 ist, dann reden wir noch mal, meine liebe freundin!!
Da, hast jetzt deine antwort auf Deutsch, koennen sich alle ein bisschen aufregen, besonders die die es sooooo gerne tut, weisst schon wen ich meine, gel??

Hab dich lieb!

At September 13, 2006 7:38 PM, Blogger Lee said........
I LOVE it C. Followed by a translation of course!

At September 13, 2006 8:51 PM, Blogger Jennifer said........
That is just ridiculous, some people have way too much nerve! I had a similar experience with a lady selling a Kirby vacuum. She spent three hours here (yup,3) and the kept asking me what it would take for her to leave a Kirby with, you could leave it here for free if you want!

At September 13, 2006 9:00 PM, Blogger L&D said........
wow, that guy had ba-double hockey sticks.

At September 13, 2006 10:59 PM, Blogger Michelle said........
Wow!! Talk about pushy to the extreme. I can't beleive that! Glad you hung up!!

At September 14, 2006 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
I hate salespeople.the nerve of that guy. I always hang up right away so they can;t barely say a word where as Jim gets a kick out of talking to these people. I don't get it.

At September 14, 2006 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
I am just entering the dark years and I am going to half to call upon your wisdom for some advice....I hope you don't charge $299.00:)