Thursday, August 31, 2006
I have been thinking lately, about the innocence of our kids. Mine, yours, just in general. I want my kids to be as informed as much only as they need to be. At what point do you have THE TALK, where is the line between, too young, and when they hear it at school? Talking to a friend the other night, and for her child, it happened, he heard stuff at school, and so the oppurtunity for her to be the first to explain things, passed.

I am a FIRM believer in communication. I want to be open and honest with my kids about things that I went through growing up. I want them to know, this is how we did it, and here's the happy and hard things that resulted from them.

I want them to know that there are people out there who aren't nice. That bad things can happen, without causing them to live in fear. Not to be too trusting, and not to distrust everyone.

This parenting thing can be intense.

I welcome your thoughts on this!

Posted by Lee at 8:25 PM |


At September 01, 2006 7:25 AM, Blogger jewels said........
I agree with you Lee - communication between you and your children is VERY important.
I teach sex-ed (in fact I am the only grade 7 teacher who feels comfortable discussing it). I would sooner they hear the facts from me then from their friends. I would say 7 out of 10 kids know nothing when they come to my class and yet they already have their own ideas. I was shocked that they were allowed to watch certain moview or go certain places but their own parents had not talked talked to them about feelings, hormones or sex. Too many parents leave it up to the teachers... we are educators, not parents. Stick with your gut - you will know when it's time to talk.

At September 01, 2006 7:27 AM, Blogger jewels said........
Oh - and don't even get me started on what parents are allowing their children to watch these days!
Kids are watching shows and movies that I would not even watch and then their parents wonder how their kids "know" so much about sex and drugs.

At September 02, 2006 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
And may I just say as i am "babysitting" this evening,writing this comment from ur computer, that for all ur complaining about ur "messy" house, I have come here tonite to find everything in it's place, the children washed and fed,the cupboards tidy and the floors clean,the fridge stocked,and yes, I even checked ur closet, only 2 find everything pressed and hung.. good job mummy!!! Tomorrow u may rest...


At September 02, 2006 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Hey L, I came across some info from the local library (or was it the Public Health Unit?) on this issue. I could share it with you if you'd like.
Danna (I'm having problems commenting under my blog identity is anyone else?)

At September 02, 2006 11:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
My email address is and my blog is