Saturday, September 23, 2006
I tend to shop superstore alot, and in the past have gotten out of the car, and not had a loonie to get a cart. This is so frustrating. Even worse, was once when the baby was new, I got all three out of the car, and then discovered I had no loonie. Now I know that I could walk ALL the way into the store, and ask the customer service lady for a "loner loonie", but then you are obligated to return it when finished. This is all just too much work.

It's almost reason enough for me to shop elsewhere. But I am just too cheap. So I give in the to the 'loonie for a cart' clause.

In my vehicle, I have a designated "superstore loonie" spot. Heaven help the poor soul, who uses that designated loonie for some other purpose. I don't care how desperate you get, KEEP YOUR SLIMY HANDS OFF MY SUPERSTORE LOONIE!!!

It didn't take F long to realize the gravity of his error the time he used my loon for a coffee.

And so yes, I can be a little anal when it comes to this. In fact, I hate to admit it, but if someone is asking me for my loonie, and can only offer me 4 quarters, for my loonie, I have to politely decline. I have to protect my superstore loonie.

Posted by Lee at 12:39 PM |


At September 23, 2006 2:18 PM, Blogger Sue said........
I've done the same thing, refused the exchange and felt so bad after, that now I keep two toonies in the car. How sad is that?

At September 23, 2006 3:09 PM, Blogger Family Of Five said........
I keep 1 quarter and 1 loonie in my ashtray! Safeway takes quarters... Extra foods takes Loonies. I have been caught without both!

At September 23, 2006 4:16 PM, Blogger Jennifer said........
Have you considered buying the Superstore token that fits all carts? You just attach it to your keyring and then pop it in the buggy every time you go shopping. You will never be dependent upon a loonie again! And the best part is is that it only costs a loonie. You can buy one at the customer service counter in the store.

At September 23, 2006 4:55 PM, Blogger jewels said........
I was at the Superstore today and had to ask the guy for a loonie - although I gave him 4 quarters. I HATE the Superstore for this very reason... well that and their produce is disgusting.
Anyhoo - I always have a quarter for Save-On - God help the man who takes my quarter.

At September 23, 2006 5:12 PM, Blogger Lee said........
OMG!!! I had no idea they sold a keyring! HELLO! Thanks Jen!

At September 23, 2006 5:47 PM, Blogger Michelle said........
They have a keychain?!?!?!?!?!?!?

After all this time it could have been that easy??????

At September 23, 2006 6:32 PM, Blogger Danna said........
Yes, you can even get them at Extra Foods but I went today to get 2 more and they (at least out here) didn't have any until the Christmas season (The money raised goes to the Children's Charity)

At September 23, 2006 7:57 PM, Blogger Family Of Five said........
I have heard of the keyring too for Superstore. I haven't heard of it for anywhere else.... sorry girls, I hate Superstore! I would much rather pay the extra money for someone to bag my groceries while I shop with 3 kids! I much prefer Safeway or Save On Foods! If anyone knows of a quarter key ring let me know!

At September 23, 2006 10:34 PM, Blogger Ej said........
I guard my Super Store Loonie too! I also have a quarter for Safeway in there. Heaven help the person who touches them. I will go get a key ring though - seems rather handy!

At September 24, 2006 10:49 AM, Blogger Jennifer said........
No problem Lee! By the way, I called you last night. Try and touch base with me when you can :)

At September 24, 2006 2:41 PM, Blogger L&D said........
I agree with those who don't shop at Superstore. It's yucky yucky. Save-on's the only way to go. I too much prefer someone to bag my groceries for me. It's just too much work to shop and put all the stuff away in the first place. Less is more in this regard. Here's my quarter baby. I am much more likely to carry a quarter than a loonie.

At September 24, 2006 8:30 PM, Blogger Ej said........
I hear we are going to WOF! Yippee - girls weekend!

At September 25, 2006 11:14 AM, Blogger Rob, Lisa & Ryken John said........
Get this! The other day, I didn't have my loonie, so I traded a guy his cart for my 4 quarters. He seemed a bit reluctant to do this, but made they trade. So at the end of my trip, I plug in my cart, and what do I get? An Indian rupie! There you go, my loonie dilemna will be more!

At September 25, 2006 11:47 AM, Blogger Michelle said........
I once gave a woman 4 quarters for her buggy. She had no problem and handed it right over. I thought great! Now I don't have to walk all the way in then out with my kid. It took me a few minutes to realize that there was no loonie in the cart, it was busted(and she was long gone, and what was I going to do anyways chase her down with my cart??)!! She knowingly took my loonie!!! I was ticked. I calmed myself down by deciding she must have needed it more than I did. When I left someone tried to buy the cart off me, I was amused at the chance to earn my doller back but gave them my cart and wouldn't take the money.

At September 25, 2006 1:26 PM, Blogger Danna said........
Extra Foods bags your groceries for you and it's a spin off of Superstore.

At September 25, 2006 9:26 PM, Blogger Ej said........
Sooo sorry - I missed that I had been tagged. I was thinking - hey how come nobody tags me? Am I that boring? I'll get right on it!

At September 25, 2006 9:50 PM, Blogger Alvin & Denise Engler said........
i hide my superstore loonie, but my husband inevitably finds it in a mad quest for coffee change. so hiding it didn't work -- he had to be trained, and now won't dare touch my loonie. it's all about consequences. heh heh heh.

At September 26, 2006 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Who knew that this topic could start such a frenzy!?!?!?

I too gave up on Superstore a long time ago, for this and many other reasons!! :)

At September 27, 2006 8:30 AM, Blogger Family Of Five said........
Danna... not sure where you live... but My Extra foods doesn't bag groceries!! :(

At September 27, 2006 10:34 AM, Blogger Danna said........
Sorry to hear that Family of Five. That's the first I've heard of EF not bagging groceries! I've been to a couple now and they do....maybe it's a different province thing...:)

At September 27, 2006 8:20 PM, Blogger Ej said........
I think you've beaten this topic long enough - I do believe it is time for an update :)


PS I am such a cheeky bugger aren't I???