Wishful thinking.
There have been a few ads lately, that I just can't get over. On TV the other day, it was a Mom who was a teacher, and she was singing the praises of the chocolate spread Nuttella. Saying, "as a Teacher, I know first hand that kids need the energy from nutrients, andthats why nuttella is a great part of a healthy meal"
Or that chocolate milk is "just as" healthy as white!!!!
Or on the box of Kraft Dinner, it has a flag that symbolizes a healthy item. "Sensible Solutions".
Come on!!
Oh, and another fun little tidbit -
Spring cleanup was last week. Its that time where things that were not deemed as acceptable to be picked up from the city, linger in the yards of the people who were hoping to be rid of the junk.
On my street, there is : a big deep freeze, a fridge, and a mattress and box spring. The mattress, is on our side of the yard, and its such an eyesore, I have been complaining about it to anyone who will hear. Well the irony of this story, with me being so upset at how trashy it looks when people just wait and leave their crap till who knows when -
When I left the house this morning, I looked at the ugly mattresses, that were becoming a major sore spot with me, and someone had put a nasty old dark brown toilet in my yard beside the mattress!!!!
I was livid. Called my neighbor, told her the front of my yard looks like a dump yard. Thankfully I didn't go into the convo assuming it was her toilet, tho it did go thru my mind, since it was placed right beside the ugly mattress.
It was not them. I told her that it bothered me that the mattress was placed on our side, and I didn't mince words.
Now what? I have this nasty toilet on my grass!!! I have to get rid of it? Me with no truck? And pay for the dumping fines? This makes me outraged.
Some idiot who hoped the city would take it, and probably didn't have a way to get it to the dump, dumps it on my yard.
OK, a nice rant of a blog.
At least now, my Mum AND my Mom in law, can get off my back about my lack of blogging.