Sunday, May 13, 2007
Saturday. Liv and I walk over to her friends house and had a Mom and Me scrap booking date. From 9 - 12:30. Was so nice. We brought all her stuff, and she did 8 pages.

As soon as we got home from that we left and tried to squeeze in a trip to the mall, to get a gift for my Mom. While there, I took a few extra minutes and grabbed a new shirt. I had my eyebrows waxed on Friday, found a super cute pair of dressy pants for $6.98, and so, thought a new shirt was in order as well.

Flew home, called the hairdresser to move my appointment from 2 to 2:30. Called home, asked my hubby to start the wings we were bringing to a party we had that night. I was stressed, there was a few things to do, and not enough time to do them. Fern and I were, "bantering" back and forth on the cell while I was driving home.

Next thing I know, a cop who was off his bike, ran into the rode in front of me, and pointed his big ol arm my way and motioned for me to pull over.

I hang up on Fern, and roll my window down. The cop, says, "what is going on? Most people slow down when they see an officer on the side of the rode, but you sped up!!"

I told him I was arguing with my husband. He pokes his head into my window, and says, "what, do you have him stashed in the trunk or something?"

I told him the whole conversation, how Fern had said that I took too much on my plate, and that I should cancel the haircut. blah blah blah.

Then the cop goes into this 10 minute rant about how he and his wife fight over these things, and yadda yadda yadda.

I thought, he is waaay to chatty with me, maybe he will let me off with a warning.

No such luck.

He did do me a favour, I was going 20 over, and he wrote it up that i was only a bit over, so it wouldn't be "excessive".


Ouch. This is my first ever ticket. That hurts.

When we got home, Liv loved telling Ben that Mommy got in trouble with a Police Officer.

First time someone other than my Mom has watched Brody. We had a sitter come watch the kids while we went to the party. We had a great time.

Posted by Lee at 8:46 PM |


At May 13, 2007 11:55 PM, Blogger chaoticfamily said........
Hi Lee,

That's so annoying when you get a ticket - I have gotten 2... Once well deserved I was young and speeding on the coq - naughty me... I tried desperatly to get out of it! NO such luck...

The other one was about a year ago I was just leaving the hospital for the first time in 3 weeks had picked tim hortons up for my parents and was booking it to their house to tell them my daughter for sure did not have cystic fibrosis... So nothing could ruin my day that time, I just accepted the ticket and didn't comment and went on my way. I guess he didn't see my daughter in the backseat with a tube shoved up her nose! ;)

Erinne :)

At May 14, 2007 12:22 PM, Blogger Danna said........
Ouch! That would soo suck! Sorry to hear about that...I feel your pain.

At May 14, 2007 12:56 PM, Blogger Shannon King said........
Getting tickets suck!!! I've only ever had one and that was when I was 17. My hubby is the one who has had quite the ticket collection! About 3 of them since we've been married.

At May 15, 2007 8:23 PM, Blogger Sarafina said........
So sad about the time you could try pulling out the tears, but I have a feeling that only works for high-school girls (did for me once!). I wasn't so lucky with the photoradar one in high school. I can't wait til my girl is old enough to scrapbook with (0:

At May 15, 2007 9:58 PM, Blogger Lovella ♥ said........
On Mother's Day?
I can't believe it. I'm so sorry. What a way to add even more stuff into your day. I'm glad you had a good party though.

At May 15, 2007 10:00 PM, Blogger Lovella ♥ said........
After I finished writing my comment, it occured to me that maybe it wasn't on Mother's Day (thought it was kind of funny for you to get your hair cut on mother's day) and so I came back to check. Sure enough. So he wasn't quite as unreasonable as I thought.