Tuesday, April 24, 2007
ewww. what a waste of sweet time and money. ran (drove) to starbucks, for a nice little pick -me - up, and thought i would try a new drink.
i cant even finish it. wayyyy sweet.

nothing new over here, i am still nursing a very sore back from last Tuesday. i will try class tonight, and hope for the best.

here is another 'Ben funny':

he asked me the other day, "whats Brody's password?"

I said that he didn't have one, and he was like "Mom, of course he does,"

this went on for a few minutes, and I finally got smart and asked Ben what his password was.

he said "David".

So in his little mind, a middle name and a password are one and the same.

Posted by Lee at 3:11 PM |


At April 24, 2007 5:48 PM, Blogger Nicci said........
He is so cute that I can't even contain it.You are going to have massive girl issues when he is older. What a heartbreaker.

At April 24, 2007 6:15 PM, Blogger L&D said........
Yup, I did the same with the cinnamon dolce. Drank one sip, gagged and threw the $4.00 supposed cup of heaven in the garbage. What a waste on a gross beverage.

At April 24, 2007 11:19 PM, Blogger chaoticfamily said........
Hi Lee,

Yeah, the cinnamon dolce - not so good... Got a steamed milk with it and yucko!! Never again...

Your lil boy sounds very sweet.

PS - I am also on facebook - it's addictive! :)


At April 24, 2007 11:35 PM, Blogger Christina said........
I don't have a password

At April 25, 2007 8:35 AM, Blogger Danna said........
That is WAY to cute!

At April 25, 2007 1:51 PM, Blogger Lovella ♥ said........
oh good to know, I was standing there looking at the sign the other day and thought no, I better have my usual americano today and have the treat when I need a dessert. Apparantely not.
When we were in Palm Springs they had just gotten microwaves there. They now have breakfast sandwiches and can warm up their baked goods. (much better warmed up). I asked them here when they were getting them and they said June.
So there you go.

That little boy of yours is too funny. I just think he'll have a very good sense of humor when he grows up.

At April 25, 2007 2:19 PM, Blogger Rob, Lisa & Ryken John said........
What a gerat picture. Love the close up. Did the same thing with the new Starbucks.

At April 26, 2007 7:23 AM, Blogger jewels said........
i almost ordered it as I love the Dolce Latte - when they told me it was sweet I passed.
ya know - if you hate the drink after one sip - they will make you another! I mean really - it's not like they are cheap!

At April 27, 2007 12:05 PM, Blogger Heidi said........
cute. my passwords leanne.