This was taken 2 years ago on our Great Grama / Nana / Mom / daughter trip to Disneyland.
How the time flies! She is growing up waay to fast. She is such a sweet girl. I feel so very blessed to have her.
She is one of the brightest kids in her class, she is the youngest ever to be asked to join the leadership team at Karate. This girl makes us so very proud!
Every birthday, I tell the story of when they were born, what it was like, and so on. This year, Liv was really into the details. What time exactly, what it was like. Its so nice that she appreciates things like that.
We had a great day, she picked out what her birthday meal would be, spagghetti with garlic toast, right down to the chocolate milk.
Papa and Nana came over, and her best bu Becka.
Her gifts were all quite a hit. In fact, I think this was the best year yet. We got her a pogo stick, a skip it (member those? it was fun doing that again), 2 soccer nets, and a baseball kit complete with the bases.
They were outside all day.
The day ended with me frenchbraiding her hair on my bed after she got out of the tub.
I love having my princess.
All the wonderful times you spend with her today will make 18 even more fun.
You have such fun with your kids, I sure do admire that.