Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Every once in awhile, when I load the photos onto the computer, I see that Ben has taken the camera, and taken a few shots. They always include self portraits, which I find so funny, because I am the self portrait queen. He also takes pics of random things around the house.

Brody could not be a happier child. His smile takes over his whole face.

Posted by Lee at 9:32 PM |


At May 15, 2007 10:49 PM, Blogger Shannon King said........
Your boys are so cute! I love brody's hair. I wish Tom wouldn't fight us when we get his hair cut.

At May 16, 2007 4:04 PM, Blogger Danna said........
Your boys are so cute!

At May 18, 2007 2:57 PM, Blogger Summer said........
Your boys are so handsome looking.