Thursday, August 31, 2006
I have been thinking lately, about the innocence of our kids. Mine, yours, just in general. I want my kids to be as informed as much only as they need to be. At what point do you have THE TALK, where is the line between, too young, and when they hear it at school? Talking to a friend the other night, and for her child, it happened, he heard stuff at school, and so the oppurtunity for her to be the first to explain things, passed.

I am a FIRM believer in communication. I want to be open and honest with my kids about things that I went through growing up. I want them to know, this is how we did it, and here's the happy and hard things that resulted from them.

I want them to know that there are people out there who aren't nice. That bad things can happen, without causing them to live in fear. Not to be too trusting, and not to distrust everyone.

This parenting thing can be intense.

I welcome your thoughts on this!

Posted by Lee at 8:25 PM | 5 comments

Posted by Lee at 1:17 PM | 0 comments
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
My first job ever, was in a coffee shop. I was 16, and super excited. I met my dear friend there, and I met my hubby there. It is no longer a coffee shop, but going in there tonight was so weird. I could picture several different times, and conversations that happened there.

Pulling into the parking lot, I parked in my "old spot", and walking in the door, man it was so cool.

I can remember standing at the sandwich bar, making the world's best pannini's, the sound of the Lexa, steaming the milk, the grinder thing pacting the esspresso down. Making 'brown cows', creamosa's, and cinnimon buns that sold for $2.25.

For grad, I got accrylic nails, and I told all who I worked with that "I could no longer do dishes..." that went over well.

I member 'loving life' coming in for lunch on her breaks from working at the bank.

I remember telling TD that I was pregnant while we made pesto sauce.

I remember being super annoyed at my future hubby, he absolutely drove me nuts. The way he would mop, he'd dump all the water on the floor, because it "softened the dirt..." LAME. It made me so mad. I actually asked my boss not schedule me with him!!! Funny how things turn out.

I remember standing at the till, preggers with my FB, and my tummy leaning on the counter, and she would be kicking against it.

I remember sitting with tweety and ML, and 2 of us had recently had our babies, and tweety was still pregnant.

I remember going down for the best cheapest bacon, eggs and toast, and I also have fond memories puking in the bathroom. (baaaad morning sickness)

I remember my DH and sitting down with our boss, telling her we were pregnant, and getting married, and she said "don't do it. You will NEVER last, there's no way it will work." (encouraging hey?? Here's looking at 8 years coming up!!) HA HA

A1 on the juke box was "don't worry, be happy"

There was such a close knit group we worked with, you could go down there anytime, and hang out with whoever was working.

Ok, well it was so great reminiscing, sorry if I bored you all to death.

Posted by Lee at 8:50 PM | 5 comments

Posted by Lee at 8:46 PM | 0 comments
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Unbelievable. I have been so impressed with my bee steamer, that we bought at the pne. Yesterday I was an eager beaver, and did tons of floor. Anyway, my last room to do, it's late. Like 9pm. My DH comes up and I am telling him how happy I am that we bought it, and take him into the bathroom, to show him the floor. So he walks in, barefoot, and heads straight towards the tub at the far end of the bathroom. Leaving behind him like 10 filthy dirty disgusting footprints. I couldn't even believe it. And then again I could, because isn't that how it feels most the time? You clean...and it's like they are walking behind you throwing handfuls of dirt. If my steamer wasn't still such a novelty, I would have made him re do it, but no, I did :)

Posted by Lee at 9:12 PM | 3 comments
Lame. My DH couldn't find his wallet for work, so we were hunting thru the house, and now I can't fall back to sleep. Grr...

Posted by Lee at 5:13 AM | 1 comments
Saturday, August 26, 2006
ahhh. This is me feeling refreshed. My parents gave us one of the best gifts ever. It didn't come in a big ol' box, wrapped in pretty paper.

It was the gift of a night away! So we spent the day yesterday at the PNE. Was so great to be there just the 2 of us. Like a good ol' fashioned date from the early days. We did rides, laughed our faces off, ate really great fair food, watched the motorcross, a really cool and funny high diving show, ate some more... held hands and bought too much stuff. It was a blast, and such a fun place for a date night. We stayed till midnight, and then spent the night at the trabin. I slept in till 10:00!! It felt soooo good.

We weren't expected back until late tonight, but being my first night away from my TB, I was anxious to get home to him, and hold him. So we did 'brunch', and a little shopping, and came home.

My big purchase while at the Fair, was in the marketplace. I was one of those people who would stop and listen to the speal of the different booths, and would get mesmerized by it. I ended up, or I will say, we ended up buying: a sweepa (those rubber brooms 'as seen on tv', which for the "next 9 minutes only, includes a second sweepa for absolutely FREE!!!"), a crank up LED flashlight, that also is a cell phone charger, and an alarm (which would of come in handy later, that story to come) a pair of 'dawg clogs', (Yes I am now one of the masses who wears these dreadfull looking-yet beyond comfy shoes) , and last but certainly not least, a multi purpose steam cleaner.
By the last purchase, I could tell by the look on my DH's face, that he was done the inside market part.
Good night all.


Posted by Lee at 9:00 PM | 1 comments
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Well, I did it. Made a few more changes. I also switched over to the new version of blogger. It's VERY simple to use, and that is a good thing. You really don't even deal with html, which is a VERY good thing.

Oh and thanks to the wild one who had alot of info for me. Appreciate it.

Got my sb's fall schedule all lined up. We decieded to skip preschool this year, and really spend time with him doing tons of fun energetic activites. So today I registered him in soccer, toddler gym, and swimming. It makes for a full week, but I really think he will enjoy it all. Everything has always been about dragging him along with my fb, to her activities. I am looking forward to this time with him while she is in school.

I am so grateful to be able to "stay at home". It feels so good.

ok, no more posts tonight!!!

Posted by Lee at 7:49 PM | 3 comments
It totaly worked! I am sooo impressed. And they have worked on the smell, it was totaly tolerable. Good bye unsightly hairs!! Good riddance.

Posted by Lee at 1:34 PM | 2 comments
Ahhh.... the sound of silence. Two of them are playing in the backyard, 1 of them is sleeping. This is such a nice moment.

I went today and bought some "Nair Hair Removal". Had a friend tell me about it the other day, and I am ready to do it. Funny thing, at the till paying for it, the lady scans it, and sort of smirks to herself. I got a little offended, a little embarassed, and then she turned around and picked up a bottle of hairspray, and placed it in my bag. She then explained why she laughed. They are doing a promo, when anyone buys a hair product, they get a free bottle of hair spray. She's like, "I don't think this is what they meant, but it is a 'HAIR' product, so here you go..."

Posted by Lee at 12:06 PM | 5 comments
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
So I felt compelled to start a whole new blog. I had gotten too slack on my old one, and realized that I was dishing out all sorts of info onto the internet. It's like you forget that what you are posting, is really out there for ANYONE to see. I can't believe how hard it was to delete my old one. I have it for my own records, and that makes me so happy.

This new blog, I won't be posting pictures, or using names, I want to stay on the safe side with this blog.

Posted by Lee at 8:53 PM | 6 comments