Sunday, January 14, 2007
Warning, this post is all vomit related, weak stomaches, need not read on.

I think this weekend, (and I don't know that it's officially over yet) is my first one as official "mother of 3". I have been initiated.



All is well, and then 4:30pm hits like a tornado. Ben comes running into the kitchen, covering his mouth while yelling "I NEED TO POOKKKK!!!!!!". The babe was so miserable, whiny and didn't want me more than 3cm (not inches) away from him. Ben had a marathon - DE - vomit, and I lost count after EIGHTEEN times. That night, he came running to me, who was fast asleep, and was covered in it, as was his bedding/mattress/pillow/and all 3 night-time stuffies. So at 11pm I threw all of the above, except the mattress, into the washer, changed Ben, and brought him into our bed. Fast forward about 45 minutes, just enough time that I have fallen into a good sleep. I wake up to Ben in an uproar, yelling his warning that he is about to vomit. I am so disoriented, I jump up, grab him like a football, and run with him to the toilet. We didn't make it. He tossed it ALL OVER the dining room, and his very tired Mama. This pattern cycled several times, and included me getting everyone out of our bed, to change our sheets, and throw them in the wash at 1AM. I have a good amount of sheets, extras and stuff, and boy, it almost seemed like I didn't have enough. His last episode of the night was at 3am. I felt so bad for Fern, who had to get up for work an hour later.


he was back to himself. Except he was complaining of a sore throat. At the same time, Liv has had a nasty canker sore, that was not going away, and it was really hurting her. So with my sweet Mom watching the baby, I took the older 2 to the walk in clinic.

As we were waiting, Ben, out of nowhere, yells his warning. I panic, leave Liv in the waiting room, and dragged him to the bathroom. Locked, with a sign that read 'pleas ask front desk for key'. I whirl around to the desk, grab the key from the lady, open the door, and he vomits all over the bathroom, Everywhere BUT the toilet. Including my whole right leg.

Turns out, when your child pukes at the walk in, you are in charge of cleaning it up. So with a sick child, I clean the bathroom. Unfortunately, he aimed for the corner of the room, right where the baseboards meet. That can't be good.

I have been so queasy through all of this, and all the clean up I have been doing, has not been good for my tum.


This morning, I was so tired, although the night went better then the one before, I made coffee, and imposed a "Mommy and Daddy time" in our room. No kids. I gave the baby a bottle in his bed, and snuck back to have a coffee date with my hubby.

That date ended rather traumatically. I had asked Liv to bring the babe to me, and heard her yell "EVERYTHING IS COVERED IN PUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

This is taking too long: summary-

Brody vomited 13 times today
Liv started at 3pm, and by bedtime hit 16 times...
I have administered 2 gravol suppositories (only one of which was done right)
I have been vomited on more times than I can count
My washer/dryer are STILL going


Tomorrow is a new day...


Posted by Lee at 9:58 PM |


At January 14, 2007 10:58 PM, Blogger Family Of Five said........
Oh my goodness... we were there about 5 months ago!!! ALL of us. I think it started with me and went through our entire family one after the other.... and YES I had never cleaned up so much puke in my life. I have a 13 year old who NEVER.... I mean NEVER in her life has puked in a bucket or toilet. She actually last time was in the shower and was on her hands and knees puking out of the tub onto the floor!!! I can leave a bucket right in her lap under her chin and she doesn't get a drop in it!! You and hubby take care!!!

At January 14, 2007 11:39 PM, Blogger chaoticfamily said........
Hi Lee,

I hear you. My son is a puker and well my daugher had surgery cause of all her puking - so I know how ya feel. Hang in there and to keep you and your hubby well pump yourselves full of maalox - and OJ. The suppositories are hard to give and I never seem to get them to work on my gal - maalox, maalox, maalox. Oh and Ginger Ale. Hope you have a puke free night and get some sleep ;)

At January 15, 2007 5:54 AM, Blogger jewels said........
Wow Lee - I feel for you - I really do. I hope you have a better week and that your children are feeling better. Stay strong and remember to rest as your turn to puke may be coming.

At January 15, 2007 6:52 AM, Blogger Sarafina said........
Oh my, Lee, I am so sorry...hope everyone's feeling better at your house, and I pray that you don't get it too!

At January 15, 2007 8:01 AM, Blogger Michelle said........
Oh Yikes!!

I hope everyone is feeling better soon and that you and Fern are lucky enough to miss this one!

At January 15, 2007 11:37 AM, Blogger Summer said........
AWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! You poor thing. I have three kid's of my own and I can't imagine what it must have been for you. I hope you have a better day today and your kid's are feeling better.

At January 15, 2007 11:58 AM, Blogger Ej said........
Oh my word! I hope you are feeling better soon. You're in our prayers - I for one give you mom of the week status!

At January 15, 2007 2:04 PM, Blogger L&D said........
you poor thing. You deserve an award. There are those days but it just makes it that much worse that it's x3 people. Poor poor thing.

At January 17, 2007 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Man that sounds like one tiring weekend! I hope everyone is feeling better!