Thursday, January 11, 2007
My Ben is 4 today.

I took him on a little date today, just me and him, we went to Starbucks (I did get him a hot chocolate) and we went to the dollar store, they give you $5 when you go in on your birthday.

I told him he could have any toy in the store, (sounds impressive hey??). He took an agonizing 20 minutes, and finally decided on a $1 toy. I told him that he could also get something else, but he wasn't interested. We got up to the till, and the lady asked him if he wanted a balloon. She was very nice, and used such a sweet voice, and my boy said, (in a grumpy tone) "no."

I think he must have thought that it was the balloon OR the toy, I don't know. He is sure a different kid.

Posted by Lee at 9:00 PM |


At January 12, 2007 12:22 AM, Blogger chaoticfamily said........
Hi Lee - I'm a very good friend of Jen's - aka matinee - lack of sleep and stress has caused me to check out some of her links. You have a very cute family and your blog looks like you put lot's of thought and effort into it. Happy B-day to your boy and hope you don't mind me commenting.


At January 12, 2007 6:38 AM, Blogger Danna said........
Happy Birthday, B!

At January 12, 2007 8:59 AM, Blogger Jennifer said........
Happy 4th birthday Ben! Hey, our kids birthday is only a day apart.

At January 12, 2007 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
That's so cute! And so Ben :) He's thinking "Look lady I already picked the toy!!"