Brody has been saying "mamamamamamama" indiscriminately for a little while now, at no one in particular. Yesterday, every time I came into his view he said it. Just now, I was in his room, I gave him a milk, and he was Poppy. As I was changing him in the dark room (which I don't recommend) he said so perfectly and clearly: "mama". My prince.
Hard to believe we are going into 2007. Time really does fly by. We have had all the babies we are going to have (unless by 'Divine Intervention', Ben is growing out of the toddler age. He'll be 4 in a week and a half. My princess will turn 8 this year. 8!!!!
I wonder what changes this year will bring. Happy ones, sad ones, exciting ones, hard to deal with ones...
I am looking forward to getting back into my exercise routine, the dojo has been down nearly 2 weeks, and I have made up for that by eating all the extra holiday sweets that have made it into my house.
I am thankful for many things: my family, their health, my home, great friends and being able to laugh with my husband.
Happy New Year guys, I hope everyone has a super awesome time bringing in 2007!!!