Sunday, December 10, 2006
January 1998 I finally wasn't irritated with "the new guy" at p&B, it was a cold late night, and I was down at tim hortons reading my Oprah book. Fern came in with a friend, and ordered his coffee and left. About a half hour later he came back alone, and we sat and talked from midnight to 5 am, at the coffee shop. First booth when you walk in.
That's where it all started.
We became fast friends, always hanging out, in groups mostly. Then we started hanging out alone. No intentions of anything. Far from it actually. We would often drive down across the line, and just talk for hours. We loved the white mocha.
Then one day, on one of our many day trips, we had hiked down a trail, and found a fast moving creek, beautiful clear water, and huge rocks. We sat, took our shoes off, and dangled our feet in the cold water. We were sitting beside each other, not saying a word, I can still remember the sounds. So loud with the water rushing. We both turned at the same time, and kissed. It was July 21 1998.
From there we flew into a whirlwind relationship, always together, if not together, on the phone. I fell in love fast.
He purposed to me on the very same rock that we had our first kiss on, and had a picnic all set up at the waterfall, with fake scented rose petals that filled the whole area with this pretty scent.
December 12 1998 we became husband and wife. So young. Too young. We flew through milestones, that should be enjoyed for longer. Dating, engagement, newly wed, new parents etc.
May 1999 our princess came into the world (you do the math ;) we were catapulted into parenting.
We had rough times! I am convinced that because of the way we started, it was harder for us. We set boundaries early on. To do with arguing, and other things, and we have stuck by them! No leaving the house when one is mad, or if we don't agree on something, we take no action on it.
We were advised "you will NEVER make it", had a friend say we were making a mistake, but oh were they wrong!
We are here 8 years later, so strong, so much more in love, so committed, and so proud of our little family.
Marriage can be so hard, but is fulfilling, and so worth the effort it takes to stick it out through the hard times.

I love you babe, Happy Anniversary!

Posted by Lee at 9:19 PM |


At December 10, 2006 10:04 PM, Blogger Family Of Five said........
Awwwww.... how sweet! Happy Anniversary!!

At December 10, 2006 11:48 PM, Blogger Michelle said........
Happy Anniversary!!

At December 11, 2006 5:44 AM, Blogger jewels said........
Happy Anniversary! It is awesome to see people committed and dedicated to one another... divorce is just all too easy these days.
Way to go!

At December 11, 2006 6:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
That is the best post EVER!! Made me well up and laugh at the same time. You guys are just the best...Happy Anniversary!

At December 11, 2006 9:58 AM, Blogger heidi said........
it doesn't feel like 8 years since we drove in that wedding car in the pouring rain, plastic flowers flying off the car...happy anniversary you guys. love you

At December 11, 2006 12:28 PM, Blogger Danna said........
Congratulations and many more Happy Years together!

At December 11, 2006 7:23 PM, Blogger L&D said........
Such a fantastic post Lee. What a wonderful testament to the fact that yes, marriage is hard but can be successful. Thanks for being a good example to the rest of us. Happy Anniversary you guys!

At December 11, 2006 10:07 PM, Blogger Ej said........
Happy Anniversary!

At December 12, 2006 8:23 AM, Blogger Nicci said........
Happy ANniversary!!!! I remember when you first got together and you were soooo in love at my wedding. You were in lala land. Love you guys and many more happy years together.

At December 12, 2006 10:13 AM, Blogger shari said........
Happy anniversary!!! What a great story you guys have!!

At December 13, 2006 2:31 PM, Blogger Shannon King said........
Happy Anniversary! 8 years and still strong! Good for you guys and I hope many many more!!!

At December 13, 2006 11:26 PM, Blogger Meghan said........
What an inspiring post! Congrats and I hope you enjoyed your anniversary.

At December 15, 2006 8:49 PM, Blogger Sarafina said........
Ok, you've gone and made me all teary! Happy Anniversary!!

At December 15, 2006 11:24 PM, Blogger Chris said........
You are an attractive couple.