1- I manged to do quite a few scrapbook pages, and looking at the completed pages once they are in my album, I realized that I had just done a complete repeat page with like 8 pictures that I had already done. Seriously, what an idiot. That is not even the first time I have done that...
2- I thought I would some online Christmas shopping, and came across the game Scrabble on sale. I thought, "what a great game for Liv". She really excels in her reading and writing, so I debated on whether or not to get Scrabble Junior or regular. The junior version starts at age 5 & up, and so I decided that it would probably be tooo simple, and so ordered the regular version. Acouple hours later Fern tells me that we already have Scrabble. Hmm. Nice. So we brought it out, and she loves it. So now I can cross Christina off my Christmas list, we will give it to her, and maybe it will help with her English. Maybe she will feel better to leave comments once in a while if she practises using new words...
I normally like to do the tree on the first weekend of December, but this is going to be one of those crazy years. My little bear is in that lovely stage of getting into EVERYTHING! I feel like I say "Brody, no...." soooo often. The blinds, the DVD shelf, the TV... So I am in no rush this year. Maybe we'll be like Heidi's family and put it up like on Christmas Eve.
I will leave this post with a picture or two of Christmases past...

Decorating the tree with brand knew Brody.

Santa Liv and Uncle Jamie

2 Christmases ago.