Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Hey all!
Jenn just left, we had a wonderful day today! We both had our non- school aged kiddies taken care of, and we headed off for a glorious day all by ourselves! We went to Milestones for lunch, mmm. Then off to Costco. We knew what we were going for, scrap booking stuff. They have really great stuff right now. I bought this HUGE pack of gorgeous paper. 90 different patterns x 4, for $15! Sweet.

Then she came over tonight after the kiddies were all in bed, and we did pages all night. I was very productive, which isn't always the case. I am happy with that.

Fern took Olivia to karate, and he brought Ben, what a treat to just have the one child for an hour. Blissful.

I was super blessed today, I feel refreshed. Which I needed!

This makes my second night scrap booking tonight, Ange came over the other night too, and on Friday we are going down to the shop to scrap for 5 hours! I am pumped. With all my new stickers/paper I ready to roll.

We are checking out a preschool tomorrow for Ben. September he will go. I will fill y'all in on that later.

Oh, Nicci and Heidi, guess who I saw today? Danny T. STILL WORKS AT MILESTONES!!! He is getting married next month, said to say hi!

OK, blah blah blah -

I am off to read my new book. Speaking of that, I thought I would be smart and 'borrow' a book from the library, to save money - not buy a book. Well upon checking my book out, The librarian, in a very snotty tone, informed me that I had $30 in late charges!!!!!!!!!!!!

*ahem* pardon me?? I am trying to be frugal here, not buying a book...

Posted by Lee at 10:07 PM |


At January 24, 2007 11:24 PM, Blogger Christina said........
U got me hooked on blogging, but 5 hrs of scrap booking is where i draw the line. I won't do it! Nope, no way, NEIN!

At January 25, 2007 7:47 PM, Blogger Shannon King said........
I love scrapbooking but have just not had time to do it.
Do you think I could have access to your picture blog?

At January 26, 2007 10:19 AM, Blogger shari said........
i would love to scrapbook, but the reality is that it would take me years... YEARS... to complete a project, so I stick to cardmaking (and even then, i barely ever get to do that) and crocheting/knitting.

WTG on having some grown up time to do things you like to do just for you. and time with friends is always refreshing!!!

At January 26, 2007 2:35 PM, Blogger Summer said........
Hi Lee. Okay you don't me but I am a cousin of Lisa's. I got tagged by a blogger friend and since you are Lisa's friend I decided to blog you. Hope you don't mind but can you please read my blog to find the rules. Thanks

At January 26, 2007 2:48 PM, Blogger heidi said........
danny t, eh? that's funny, he never comes to mind, but today in the park i was talking to some girls about large families and i said, "yeah, i once dated a guy who was the youngest of 10". and one more thing...i've been doing the library thing lately too and found and awesome author named elizabeth berg. so good, just try any of her books and you'll be addicted.

At January 27, 2007 11:02 AM, Blogger Jennifer said........
I'm here, and I've updated now.
P.S.Hope you didn't pay those library fines. That's ridiculous. You could buy a book for that.

At January 27, 2007 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
What book??? Let me know if it is a good read. I would rather read a GOOD book than watch t.v. any day.

At January 27, 2007 9:13 PM, Blogger Jenn said........
Hey you. I blogged.