Thursday, July 12, 2007
We have been living in our new pool, in all this heat. I am so glad we have it! The kids love, and I have been known to sneak out there once Brody is down for a nap, and lay on my new lounger with a magazine, and work on my tan. I like the angle of this picture.
Brody Bear loved it, I wasnt sure if he would. He kept trying to get my hands off him while I was holding him. Thats not going to work though :)

Nana came and played. The kids didnt give her 5 minutes of peace. Nothing like 2 wet kids jumping all over you.

Livs Dojo took a bunch of kids to Playland. We had soo much fun. The weather was soo nice. There was no lineups, so it was great.
Not much new other than that!

Posted by Lee at 7:34 AM |


At July 12, 2007 8:41 AM, Blogger jewels said........
love your pool - where did you get it?

At July 12, 2007 9:35 PM, Blogger liz said........
Yes, floating in your pool was a much better way to spend the afternoon then cleaning my kitchen, thanks for the invite!