We really enjoyed going throught the Titanic exhibit at the museum. It was so amazing to see the real items that they pulled from the bottom of the ocean. Toothbrushes, shoes, dishes, clothing, dishes. It was really amazing, and I recomend the trip there to see it while it is in Victoria. They give a mock boarding pass, with the information of one of the treavellers on the real sailing, all the info, like whether or not they were first second or third class, and what there situation was. At the end, you read the wall to find out if that person survived or not. My lady was Mrs. Walter H. Corbett (Irene Colvin), she was 30 years old, was travelling second class, alone, and had been studying medicine in London. She was returning home to Utah, to be with her three children. She did not survive the trip.
We wern't allowed to take pictures in the exhibit.

Bellini time at Milestones, on the Harbour.

At the Empress, it was so nice. We didn't stay there, but went in to view the lobby.

What a stinker my Mom is, taking this shot.

Hotel robes on, we headed down to the pool. We stayed at The Grand Pacific. It was beautiful.

Silly faces.

Sharing tunes on the ferry.

It was such a nice night awy with just my sweet Momma. We had a blast.