What a LONG day. On the road by 7:30am. Headed out to Liv's karate tournament. She did amazing. My stomache was in knots, and I was just watching. She was so calm, focused, and steady. Her events were :
team kata = 4th place
kata = 2nd place
weapons = 1st place
sparring = 2nd place
There were 4 different dojos there competing.
We were finished by 3:30, and met up with TD and family at Ikea for dinner. Fern wasn't impressed with the 10 meatballs + 2 nugget potatoes. Was good though. Then it was off to Best buy, us TD and I in my car, and the hubby's together. Well, there was a bit of a lesson in communication, when they phoned our cell to see where we were, we discovered, that we had gone to 2 different best buys, in 2 different cities!! Oops.
So, we got home at 9:00, and got a lovely phone call reminding us that we get an extra hour tonight!!! Yeah.
Some pics of my girl.
Glad you had a good night! How was your daughter when you first put her in Karate?