I needed to mow the front yard, and so I placed the bear in the stroller, on the front walk where I could keep my eye on him. I do one strip of grass, look over at my babe, and this is what I see:

It freaked me out at first, and then I thought it was kind of cute. And Brody was in awe. So I take my picture, and scoot Julius down. I turn around, and go back to mowing the grass. I look up like 10 seconds later, and I see this:

Sneaky little bugger jumped in behind him! Brody was all confused, and trying to see him, but it was to difficult for him to turn around.
Who needs to buy a cat? We have part time custody with this one, and that is ALL this family needs!!
To be fair to Julius, Fern LOVES him, and has on more than one occasion, fed him milk, against my wishes.