Monday, October 30, 2006
1. What is your occupation? Wife/Mum/bookkeeper/housekeeper(for real)
2. What color is your underwear? Pink
3. What are you listening to right now? Larry King Live
4. What was the last thing you ate? a sandwich
5. Do you wish on stars? I am way too practical for that.
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Pink
7. How is the weather right now? O degrees. Darn cold!
8. Last person you spoke to on the phone? My hubby
9. Do you like the person who sent this to you? No. (ok, thats a silly question)
10. How old are you today? 26
11. Favorite drink? hmm. how about a belini?
12. Favorite sport to watch? nope. Don't have a fave.
13. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes
14. Do you wear contacts or glasses? Nope.
16. Favorite food? spaghetti
17.What was the last movie you watched? My brothers keeper
18. Favorite day of the year? Christmas Eve and Christmas day
19. What do you do to vent anger? kick boxing is such a release.
20.What was your favorite toy as a child? can't think
21. Fall or Spring? I love both
22. Hugs or kisses? Kisses and hugs
23. Cherry or Blueberry? cherry. Only real live ones.
24. Do you want your friends to answer this? sure, PLEASE ANSWER THIS!!
25. Who is most likely to respond? umm, should I say Rose? Am I being sarcastic?
26. Who is least likely to respond? Heidi
27. Living arrangements? In a house, with a roof, in an awesome neighborhood.
28. The last time you cried? Sunday
29. What is on the floor of your closet? A bag of summer clothes
30. Who is the friend you have had the longest? Rose and Nic (like 24 years!)
31. What did you do last night? Cardio Kickboxing class
32. Favorite smell? rain and cement
33. What inspires you? people who are laid back, and don't stress out
34. What are you afraid of? spiders
35. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? no thank you, but I guess cheese.
36. Favorite car? um- anything new, I like lots
37. Favorite dog breed? ( I think I am too tired to put any effort into this stupid thing :)
38. Number of keys on your key ring? Way to many - 9.
39. How many years at your current job? 8yrs/7yrs/5yrs/3yrs
40. Favorite day of the week? when my man is home
41. How many provinces have you lived in? 1
42. How many cities have you lived in? 2
43. Ever driven a Motorcycle or Heavy Machinery? a motorbike once, Its all blurry though :)

Posted by Lee at 9:04 PM | 5 comments
Saturday, October 28, 2006
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Posted by Lee at 9:49 PM | 0 comments
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Posted by Lee at 9:49 PM | 0 comments
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This is her in the white sparring gear, she won this match, and the one right after, the kid was so craazy fast, he scored 3 points on her in like 20 seconds! It's a 3 point game, and it was over quick! Putting her in second place in this division.

Posted by Lee at 9:47 PM | 0 comments

What a LONG day. On the road by 7:30am. Headed out to Liv's karate tournament. She did amazing. My stomache was in knots, and I was just watching. She was so calm, focused, and steady. Her events were :
team kata = 4th place
kata = 2nd place
weapons = 1st place
sparring = 2nd place

There were 4 different dojos there competing.
We were finished by 3:30, and met up with TD and family at Ikea for dinner. Fern wasn't impressed with the 10 meatballs + 2 nugget potatoes. Was good though. Then it was off to Best buy, us TD and I in my car, and the hubby's together. Well, there was a bit of a lesson in communication, when they phoned our cell to see where we were, we discovered, that we had gone to 2 different best buys, in 2 different cities!! Oops.

So, we got home at 9:00, and got a lovely phone call reminding us that we get an extra hour tonight!!! Yeah.

Some pics of my girl.

Posted by Lee at 9:28 PM | 5 comments
Friday, October 27, 2006
Big feet suck. I have had large feet since like ever. I think grade 8, I had the same size shoe as my Mum. I used to have to go down across the line, there was a shoe store that actually had a section for the bigger sizes.
I own shoes that are size 10, 11 and 12. Thats right I said 12. It depends where they are from, and how they fit. I own ALOT of flip flops, because generally they fit bigger. You go into ANY shoe store, and the highest they go to is 10. Payless does have a section for my sizes, but it is SLIM PICKENS.

That brings us to tonight. I was on a mission. Just shoes. I need a standard pair of black shoes/boots, that goes with anything. I found tons of cute stuff!!!
Unfortunately, none of them were in my size :(

Three shoe stores later, we, (I brought a shopping support - Jenn) left the mall empty handed. (In the shoe department)

We went into Aldo, I tell the salesgirl what I am looking for, but said "I am an 11, so why dont you show me what you have, instead of me showing you what I like". She comes out with one pair, that were ok, and tells me, "if they fit length wise, but are tight, we offer shoe stretching. But if you do, its a final sale. Our shoes come really narrow."

OK, why? why would I wanna buy shoes that they already know before they sell them, that I may wanna strech them?

There was no way my foot was getting inside that shoe. I ask her if thats all she had in the store, and she jots down the website, and says they sell larger sizes online.

Thanks. Thats EXACTLY what I wanna do. (sarcasm laid on THICK here)

Am I so alone? Where do woman with well endowed feet shop???

Posted by Lee at 9:40 PM | 6 comments
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
I have some issues too:

* I won't eat a banana that has any brown on the peel. I like them practically green
* I have milk issues. I don't like to be able to 'taste the milk'
* I can't share milk
* I have another milk issue if it's within 5 days of the 'best before date', I'm out.
* Another one, I can't drink milk out of anything but a cup. It has to go from jug to cup.
* I prefer plastic to real cutlery. I always use the kids. I love plastic spoons.
* I don't try new things very well (just ask Rose)
* I prefer milk in my coffee to cream
* I can barely handle cheese. I like it on stuff, but not plain.
* I really don't like "potlucks". I like to know who made it, and where.
* I am wasting time right now
* Off I go to tidy up

Posted by Lee at 12:17 PM | 9 comments
Monday, October 23, 2006

Posted by Lee at 4:40 PM | 4 comments
Saturday, October 21, 2006
We have a part time cat around here. I am not much of a cat person, when they are kittens they're cute, but it ends there. Well my sweet neighbor, has this cat who constantly drives me nuts. Sooo many times I go to open my front door, my arms full of babies and diaper bags, and the front door is jammed. Its Julius. He has parked his fat butt right in front of my door. Today while installing a new car seat, the cat jumped into the van 3 times. He is very affectionate, and I will say he is starting to grow on me. Here is my story:
I needed to mow the front yard, and so I placed the bear in the stroller, on the front walk where I could keep my eye on him. I do one strip of grass, look over at my babe, and this is what I see:

It freaked me out at first, and then I thought it was kind of cute. And Brody was in awe. So I take my picture, and scoot Julius down. I turn around, and go back to mowing the grass. I look up like 10 seconds later, and I see this:

Sneaky little bugger jumped in behind him! Brody was all confused, and trying to see him, but it was to difficult for him to turn around.

Who needs to buy a cat? We have part time custody with this one, and that is ALL this family needs!!

To be fair to Julius, Fern LOVES him, and has on more than one occasion, fed him milk, against my wishes.

Posted by Lee at 5:57 PM | 7 comments
Ben wanted to play a game with me tonight, and since Liv had Becka for a sleepover, I wanted to do something fun for him. So he chooses the game 'GUESS WHO'. Here's how it went:
(Me) ok, ben you go first, ask me a question.
he gets all happy, cuz I say he gets to go first, and doesn't know what to ask. So I help him out...
(Me) ask me if my person is a boy or girl
(Him) its a girl
(Me) no bud, ASK me if MY person is a boy or girl.
(Him) its a girl

The box says for ages 6+

I think it was right.

Posted by Lee at 12:03 AM | 2 comments
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Remember the post where I did a list of things I wanted to do? I have done so much of it. The big ones are my scrapbooking, I have been having "scrapbooking dates" with Tania, Jenn, and Angela. One night last week, Tania and Jenn came over and we did pages from when we dropped the kids off to when we had to stop to pick them up from school!! Then that same day, Angela came over, and we scrapbooked from like 8 till midnight! Needless to say, I have completed an entire album for the bear! Yay me.
And just hanging out with girlfriends again. I am having so much fun with these awesome friends. Like Jenn said, "it's just so great to hang with other Mums, who love being Moms".
Today I gotta a call from Tania, and after we dropped the kiddies off at school, we headed to Ikea. Even got there in time for their $1.00 breakfast! Was a lot of fun, and we got back just in time to pick kids up again. Fern had Ben, and they had a "man day", so it was just us with the babes. What a treat.
My goals in the fitness department are going great. Between Liv & me, I am down there 12 times a week. Wow, that's alot when I see it in type! I love it though. Lisa has been coming to cardio, and I am so happy to have my partner back! Although, I may be too distracting for her. I am such a jokester, and tonight we were laughing so hard, we couldn't the crunch thing we were supposed to be doing. An example of one exercise from tonight:
Lisa lays on mat in sit up position, but with boxing gloves on. I am standing on a kicking shield which is on top of her feet, and I am holding 2 focus mitts, in my hands. So she sits up, like a regular crunch, but has to punch left and right. 3 sets of 20, right Lisa??? Sure :)
Well, long-ish post, I will end it here.

Posted by Lee at 10:57 PM | 3 comments
Saturday, October 14, 2006
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This picture TOTALLY captures his personality. He brings so much joy to this family, always smiling, and happy.

And NO, I am not taking him in anytime soon for his first haircut :)

Posted by Lee at 11:07 PM | 10 comments
Sunday, October 08, 2006
This is what happened when I said it was time to go. My brother and the kids. Posted by Picasa

Posted by Lee at 9:30 PM | 2 comments
My brother's friend. I was impressed with the shot I got! Posted by Picasa

Posted by Lee at 9:28 PM | 1 comments

We had a different spin to our Thanksgiving dinner this year. My brothers and F went wakeboarding all day, and I met them at the lake and we took the kids out on the boat. Was funny to not be cold on the water in October. Thats 'global warming' for ya I guess.
B loved it, every time the guy being towed would fall , he'd yell "HA HA! HE DID ANOTHER WIPE OUT!!" This picture is of the kids and my brother. They sure love him. Then we all went to my parents for THE best turkey dinner EVER! Was a good time. I guess I am posting a picture...
:0 Posted by Picasa

Posted by Lee at 9:27 PM | 2 comments
Saturday, October 07, 2006
What to expect from preschoolers:

Much of the behaviour of the preschool child that is annoying to adults is normal to young children and is part of their learning process and growth. Parents can save themselves much worry and trouble if they know what to expect from them at different stages of development.
A study of 555 children of preschool age showed that these 2, 3 and 4 year olds tended to behave in the following way:

Most 2, 3 and 4 year olds-
-Pay no attention to what they are asked to do
-Say "no", refuse refuse to do what is expected or asked
-Are pokey, waste time eating, dressing, washing
-Leave tasks undone, start but don't finish
-Wriggle around, don't sit still
-Laugh, squeal jump around most of the time
-Grab toys, shove, hit, scratch others
-Refuse to share things with other children
-Ask unnecessary help
-Cry easily, sulk
-Pick nose, play with fingers
-Stay close to adults
-Seek attention by showing off, look for praise
-Go to adults with criticism if other, boss others
-Stay awake at nap time, don't want to rest, refuse to eat
-Speak indistinctly
-Are hard to reason with

One-third to one-half -
-Grumble, whine
-Chew objects, suck thumb, lisp, twist hair
-Are shy, fear strangers
-Tell fanciful stories, as real or untrue
-Won't play with others
-Are jealous

More than one-fourth-
-Bite nails, twitch, handle genitals
-Break toys, tear books, mark walls or furniture
-Have temper tantrums
-Wet self during the day
-Fear animals and loud noises
-Secretly take things that belong to others

Of course none of the 555 children did any of these things ALL the time, but ALL of the children did some of these things some of the time. Large percentages did some of them almost daily.

(Credit to : Extension Agriculture and Home economics. University of Wisconsin)

When I read this last year I felt SOOO MUCH BETTER !!!

Posted by Lee at 10:23 AM | 6 comments
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Well, things are going well over on this end of the island. School's going great for Liv, as is her karate. She is a candidate for the Leadership Team, and it doesn't mean she will get on it, but it sure is an exciting thing that she's even being considered.

I got a much dreaded phone call from her school the other day. I wasn't home, and was working out when her teacher called my cell, so didn't hear it. We got this message : "Hi, its ______ calling, Liv's had an accident, and her hand is swelling quite badly, and bruising really quickly, if you could please come to the school, we think she should have an x-ray done."
I could not hang up the phone fast enough, or get there soon enough. Her sweet little hand was blue, and the pinky side of her hand, was the shape and size of an orange.
All said and done, she was okay. I took her to emerge, they x-rayed it, and there was no break. THANK YOU GOD.

Ben had his 2nd appointment today with his speech therapist. It went well, and is definitely improving with his sounds. Him and I had such a great day together today. (the bear was there too, but he's always happy). We were in the dollar store, and I told him he could pick out one thing. So he chooses this temporary pink hair dye, that comes with a comb. I put it in his hair, just the spikey bang part, outside of the store, and he starts doing this happy dance, singing "oooh yeaahh, I am gonna look sooo handsome. Oh yeah, oh yeah...." and on and on. He got some sweet comments from the principal at Livs school, and the parents. You could see it on his face, he thought he was THE BOMB. He is such an awesome kid, I love it. Personality Plus.

Referring back to one of my previous posts, I have completed like 4 pages for the bears album, and have really enjoyed doing it. I am becoming more disciplined in my eating...
and for the me time, I have found something new, that I really am enjoying. Its karate. Yep. I have joined. Its been almost 2 weeks, and I love it. I also with this membership, can do the cardio kickboxing classes that I really like. So I have been exercising my butt off. Literally. I have lost 7 lbs! Yay me.

Well, there's my nut shell.

Posted by Lee at 9:44 PM | 5 comments
Sunday, October 01, 2006
I don't want it to end.

He had like 4 days in a row off. I love when that happens. He is such a hard worker, he almost always is working extra shifts. Here's my weekend:

Friday: Jenn and I got together, we have coffee over here every Tuesday, but we have bumped it to Fridays. Our visits our so nice, comfy, casual- they usually last from when we drop off the kids at school, till we pick them up. I look forward to every week. This time we scrapbooked!! Was awesome, the bear slept well, and Ben and Gracie played nicely. We listened to music, sang along, (some of us better then others!) and chatted. Of course, she came with Starby's, so that made it even better!

After school I left all my babies, and hubby and headed off with a mission!!! I went to the new scrapbook store in town, and went wild. $37.90 later, I was one happy girl, armed with the latest in pages, and stickers. I'M BACK!!!

Then at 7:00, Jenn picked up myself and Tania, another friend, and we went back to the scrapbook store, and hung out for a few hours, and bought some stuff, and used the stores die cuts. Fun fun fun.

I got back a little after 9:00, and worked on the bears album till 11pm.

Saturday we ALL slept in, and then grabbed coffees, and took Ben to soccer. Liv had Becka's birthday party after that, so I went and Liz and I sat there and chatted over hot chocolates while we watched the girls skate. After the skating I lingered at Liz's place, and we had coffee and cake. Mmm.

Saturday night Jenn invited us over to her place, and so we had dinner, and met some new people, talked, sang old silly kids songs, and LAUGHED! Was really great, thanks for the invite Jenn, we had an awesome time. Was good to hang with all those guys.

Today my hubby went back to work, so reality is setting in. Looking back at my post here, I see my sweet man was so nice, and gave me a great weekend, with tons of "me time". Thankyou baby, I love you and appreciate you tons.

Posted by Lee at 5:28 PM | 5 comments