Sunday, February 11, 2007
Make it stop!
Posted by Lee at 12:36 PM

February 11, 2007 4:50 PM,
Family Of Five said........
No kidding!!! My sister who doesn't have kids can't figure out why when I clean I don't move all our dressers in the rooms to clean behind... and move our couches.... I keep telling her it's all I can do to keep up with dishes, laundry, floors, toys.... etc!!! If I had a magic fairy I would share her with you! :)
February 11, 2007 9:42 PM,
Z-Mama said........
Please, please make it stop!!! Why is it that it never ends!?!
We have an entire room just for toys, so why is it that they can't stay in there and still end up all over the house!?! Rrrrrr!
February 12, 2007 8:40 AM,
jewels said........
i want a cleaning lady too but hubby says that he has issues with a stranger in our house - where did you find yours ej? did you know him/her already?
February 12, 2007 9:12 AM,
Shannon King said........
I started handing out jobs already to my girls because I can't stand picking toys and clothes and garbage all day. They have to keep their rooms clean, beds made and toys/video game picked up and clean. The dishes are my hubby's job and the rest is all for me. I think the laundry is the worst part because it takes me all day to do it and then at night the laundry baskets are already filling up again.