Monday, September 22, 2008

Such a quick visit, but sooo good to see her. Back from Dubai for a lil holiday, and then she is gone for another 7 months or so.
Love you German! And you look beautiful. Turtleneck and all ;)
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Posted by Lee at 1:20 PM | 0 comments

that happen around hee if Brody sneaks away, and is unsupervised for 5 minutes or so. I took the picture at an angle in which the jam covered up his unmentionalbes ;)
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Posted by Lee at 1:18 PM | 2 comments

This is Sarah, our homestay student from Germany. She has been here 3 weeks, and is here until the end of January.
She is a sweet girl, and we are enjoying having her here.
Its funny having a teenager in the house, I feel like the phone is never free anymore, I am not used to any threat to my ohone time, it appears I have net my match!
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Posted by Lee at 1:16 PM | 0 comments

First day of school. Ben os having fun, he was placed in a k/1 split class. Now he tells everyone he is grade 1.
This is what you will see Monday through Friday, Ben goes in, they close the door, and Brody wants in. So cute.
Monkeying around. Ben loves the playfround.
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Posted by Lee at 1:13 PM | 2 comments
Monday, September 01, 2008
I was so tired, and it felt so great to be in by 9:30 tonight, and now, here I am wide awake after not even 4 hours. ARGH.

We picked up our home stay student today, her name is Sarah and she is 15 and from Germany. She was very tired tonight when we picked her up, and she basically had a bite to eat and went to bed.

It is going to be quite different this time around, obviously so different from the Asian culture we have been used to. She is here for 6 months.

I have been getting about 2 serving shifts a week at the pub, which is so great, as the money is way better than bartending, I really like it too.

We have had a nice string of bad luck things happen around here, lets see, at the beginning of summer our hot water tank blew, at the same time our furnace was making really weird lagging noises at start up. Our friends brother does these things for a living, and so when he replaced the water heater, he also shut down our furnace for the summer, and was going to come back in August to do an actual check of the furnace.
He was here a few days ago with his meter reading thing, and he turned on the furnace, and held his reader up to the vent, and slowly but steadily, the reading went from 1, to 10. At 10, his reader alarm goes off, as that is shut down the furnace mode. The carbon monoxide level hitting a 10, means he is legally required to shut the power off our furnace. (not that we would disagree).
He finally stopped his reader when it went to 12.
So, this means an $1800 to $2700 job.

Then, on Friday night, Fern was on his way home from work, and was almost home when he hit a raccoon with the car.
The animal accident ripped off the front grill, and much worse than that, cracked our radiator,

So if these things really do happen in 3's, we should be set for the next while.

Hard to believe tomorrow will be a school night.
Ben isn't really excited about starting kindergarten, I hope he will have fun, and make some good friends. Its going to be so strange to just have Brody everyday till noon. Liv will be going into grade 4. First year of intermediate.

Here's some funny's for Christina's benefit:

*Fern brought Ben and Brody to the pub to drop something off the other day, and we unloading things from the car, so I went to introduce the girl I was working with to the fam, I waved her over, and Ben quickly looks at me and says, "quick Mom - is my nose clean???".
He had a cold and was worried about having boogies showing when he met a pretty girl. He is such a little stud muffin.

*We went to a birthday party and Ben and went in the bathroom, where the toilet cover had one of those carpeted covers, and Ben says, " Okay, what is that hairy thing? That just freaks me RIGHT out."

One more Ben funny:

*the other night I put Brody to bed, and told Ben to get his teeth brushed, and hop into bed. He looks at me with the sweetest little eyes and instead of whining, says so politely, "Mom I want to stay up for a little while longer, and I'll tell you why... I like the feeling of getting to stay up a little longer than Brody, it makes me feel older."
I was so proud of him verbalizing his feelings so well, and told him so, and said he could stay up for like 15 minutes longer. 15 minutes later I tell him its time, and I guess he thought he would try his luck again, he says " Mom, can I please sleep in your bed? I like the feeling of..." so I cut him off and told him nice try, but that would only work once that night. lol.

Posted by Lee at 1:37 AM | 1 comments